Making Change Happen - Starting Monday

Today we put together a panel for Advertising Week that discussed the challenges of making ideas come to life.

We focused on creating practical steps that people could start to take immediately.

So much content came from the conversation that we decided to capture it and put in in a White Paper.

We've included the Introduction to the White Paper here.

You can download the entire White Paper Here.


We’ve been involved in change from a lot of angles. 

Multi-national networks, entrepreneurial partnerships, guiding the early years of Oprah, and taking our own international business through the entire business cycle. In the process we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t.

This paper combines some of our experiences with those of four business leaders who recently joined us to discuss how they make change happen in their company.

From Graham Barkus of Cathay Pacific comes the challenge of bringing about change in a 25,000 person airline and the need to take into account the human factor.

From Lori Senecal of kbs+, the insights of how a change agent has quickly and successfully shaken up an established business, by doing things that matter.

From Toni Hess of Rosetta, the ability of a creative leader to add art to her company’s’ pragmatic foundations by helping to purpose the passion of her staff.

And from Johnny Vulkan of Anomaly, the willingness to throw away the model and start again by answering the real questions.

To these we’ve added some additional insights based on our own work as consultants, coaches, organizational architects and entrepreneurs.

Change is hard. 

Change is risky. 

Change in inevitable.

Making it happen on your terms is the key to success for any business.